The reports on Bom came about from investigations spurred by Supreme Team's E-Sens halting all activities after admitting to smoking marijuana. Reports revealed that a certain "girl group memeber A" was also a user of marijuana, and after that, netizens began commenting and putting the pieces together.
The reports of Bom being involved in a drug scandal quickly escalated and the issue rose to the top of real-time search engine rankings.
YG Entertainment denied it and threatened legal action against those spreading the rumor. "The reports began on the morning of the 4th in various online news magazines after wrongfully accusing Bom," they said.
"At first we thought it would just go away like other rumors but now we have seen that it is flying all over the Internet and we have to take legal action before this gets out any further," they said. "It's for the protection of our artists."
YG is looking for the person who exposed Bom and are asking for the help of the Cyber Police.