Why do you think girls love FTIsland so much?
Minhwan: Because of Hongki.
Jonghun: TO be specific, it's becasue of Hongki's voice.
Hongki: (loftily) And my eyes - you'll fall in love with me once you look into my eyes.
Seunghyun: Jonghun is a great leader for the group. (Everybody groans)
Jonghun: Oh my, why is he being so nice today? (Laughs)
Jaejin: For Minhwan, he's almost perfect... except for his height and how he's shorter than us. And he feels the same way about his height too.
Minhwan: Hongki alwyas thinks he's a genius, but i think his IQ is probably pretty low.
Hongki: Hey, my IQ is 132!
Jaejin: (Disbelievingly) Really? That's hard to believe.
От скромности не умрем
Господи, Хонка... Что за ковыряние в носу на фотосессии?)))
И он, и Мама тут снова светлые.... это либо парик,
либо им хрень временную какую-то на голову наносили.