Meaning of the Dream Concert
You also need to know that Korean fans are going to the Dream Concert, not to enjoy the performance of their favorite bands. Instead, they want to make sure that their favorite bands are still doing well, still powerful figures in the field of K-pop. Dream Concert is like a symbolic figure that tells who is a influential figure in K-pop world. Cheering singers at Dream Concert is like a show-off thing to their fav. singers, let's say "OK, Singers, as you can see, you are still an influential figure in the world of K-pop." That's why Korean Cassies are sitting back of the concert hall/stadium of Dream Concert, so they can make a huge red-lightened area.
This is not an instant phenomena, but has a long, long history since the born of H.O.T, the very first generation of so-called idol groups or boy band. Once you know about the strong tensions among the fanclubs (fandom vs. fandom, fanclub vs. fanclub), then you can understand why there have been a number of fights. (Sometimes it becomes quite violent and vigorous.) (с) вырвано из статьи, увидено в Storage room
И Бенги два года подряд динамили это мероприятие?.. Круты.