After receiving much love for their hit single "I Hope," FT Island is making a comeback with their latest project album "Double Date."
The album will be a double release, splitting the project into "One Date" and "Two Date." Off the "One Date" album, the title track to be released will be "Lie". The song is about two tragic lovers, separating in agony due to the lies that pulled their love apart. To accompany the meaningful lyrics, a sweet melody from the piano will captivate the listeners' ears.
Their comeback single will be released online on several music sites later today, so stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled!
Чего? Сомневаюсь что-то, что это будет "камбек", может все-таки обещанный FT Triple? Потому что Хонка 100% выпадает из этого релиза в виду активной занятости на плантациях сериалов. Ну ладно, хоть ждать не долго))))))
P.S. A у C.N.Blue какие-то кадровые перестановки......